Shepherding the flock of God

« Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. »
- Acts 20:28 NKJV

Overseeing the operations
Rev. Dr. Veronica Adu-Bobie
Leading the Connect Service at ANFGC Ottawa
Pastors Chike and Gucci Agbasi
Mentoring tomorrow's leaders
Youth Minister Elena Minnow
Rev. Dr. Veronica Adu-Bobie

Overseeing the operations

Rev. Dr. Veronica Adu-Bobie, Senior Associate Resident Pastor oversees the ANFGC Ottawa branch. Under her leadership ANFGC Ottawa has launched the Connect service and has a thriving ANY youth ministry.

Leading the Connect Service at ANFGC Ottawa

Pastors Chike and Gucci Agbasi are the Pastors of the Connect Service at All Nations Full Gospel Church Ottawa. They have been attending ANFGC since January 2009. They both have a passion to serve and spread the Good News. In these uncertain times, it is their desire to reach a generation looking for answers and assurance. They’ve been married since 2014 and live in the nation's capital with their son Jayce.

Pastors Chike and Gucci Agbasi
Youth Minister Elena Minnow

Mentoring tomorrow's leaders

Minister Elena Minnow is the current youth minister for ANY Goodlife and has a passion for God and seeing His people grow in and live out their faith. She currently works as a teacher in Ottawa and owns a skincare brand. When not in church, you’ll find her watching movies, cooking or dancing.