COVID-19: All Nations Full Gospel Church Response

At this time the observance of simple daily hygiene remains the most effective natural defense ‎against the coronavirus. Beyond that, faith in God's divine protection is the highest form of protection from the coronavirus.

Best Practices In Our Services

  1. Post signs at the entrances to the sanctuary that everyone must go to the washroom/restroom/toilet to wash their hands before they take their seats.
  2. In Toronto pharmaceutical grade hand sanitizers that kills 99.9% of germs and viruses upon contact will be made available in the sanctuary to be used before one takes his or her seat.
  3. If one is sneezing or coughing they should do so into the inner arm of the elbow or use a tissue or handkerchief to cover their mouth and nose.
  4. All should refrain from touching the eyes, face and mouth with unwashed hands. Nail bitters should starve their habit.
  5. All commonly touched surfaces in the place of worship will be sanitised before the service, during the service and after the service. Such as door handles, microphones, pulpit, arms of chairs, musical instruments, drumsticks, and so forth. Arms of chairs, pulpit, musical instruments and microphones will be sanitised before and after not during the services but door handles and the rest will be before, during and after services.
  6. Regular hand washing should be promoted from the pulpit and in the announcements as one of the best natural defenses against the coronavirus.
  7. If a person is sick or has the flu he or she should stay away from the services for now.

Divine Protection

  1. All pastors should invoke Divine protection before and after the services.
  2. Teach members to trust God now than ever before; because there's protection under the shadow of His wings.
  3. That in times like this, running to God makes sense rather than running from Him. Staying away from His presence is not the ideal thing for any believer during a crises. Because there's protection in His presence from all these deadly plagues. For this is part of the Abrahamic Blessing.
  4. All church members should be taught to confess their protection in Christ and not to give in to fear.
  5. If world leaders are falling victim to the coronavirus it doesn't mean believers too will get it. No! Because All Nations members have what most world leaders don't have; and that One is Christ and redemption from all these curses. "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree"), that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Gal 3:13,14.
  6. All church members should be reminded that God hasn't given us a spirit of fear and timidity to fall victim to this pandemic. We should stand in faith and stand firm in Christ that no plaque will come near us. Particularly, when we come together to worship! Pastors, by observing the above and other well thought out strategies we should thrive during this distressing times for unbelievers and the world. This is our moment to let the world know that we have a God who protects us! More so for All Nations Full Gospel Church members!

The Lord is our banner and our protector!

Have fruitful services in Jesus Name!