How to break strongholds

Whatever happens to us in life is recounted several times in our minds. Whether pleasant or unpleasant; whether good or bad. The worse it is, the greater the number of times we rehearse it over and over in our minds. Hence bad incidents cannot be forgotten due to the pain associated with the sin, hurt or disappointment. This keeps our focus on the unpleasant negative events. And this is what makes it difficult to move away from such unpleasant miserable events which we dislike so much, to the happy life we want and desire the most; because we keep rehearsing the unpleasant miserable incidents so often in our minds. As a result we begin to live our lives in the light of our negative experiences instead of living our lives from our positive experiences; because by keeping our minds on the negative we tie ourselves to the source of pain, sin, hurt, bitterness and frustrations that make us unhappy in life! Thus the bad incident dominates our thinking and influences our lives more than it should. Thus bringing us into bondage.

"For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he."

This is how negative spirits associated with bad incidents gain entrance into our lives to form strongholds in our minds. Thus demonic strongholds are formed and established in a person's life bringing him or her into all kinds of bondages. Therefore, to be free from demonic strongholds the key is to reverse your thinking about bad incidents in your life.

How can you do this? By following the steps outlined below, you can break free from every bondage to walk in total freedom:

  1. Repent. Stop blaming yourself. Many a time we condemn ourselves for every negative event in our lives even if we're not at fault. Even if it's your fault blaming yourself will do no good but cause more misery. So genuinely repent and ask God to forgive you. Then believe that God has washed, cleansed and forgiven you from that sin and delivered you from the effects of that bad incident in your life. "For if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 Jn 1:8,9
  2. Give thanks. After confession and asking for forgiveness, never go back to repentance again. Rather, thank God for forgiving you and for absolving you from all blame concerning that sin or bad incident.
  3. Find a Scripture that speaks to the issue. The next step is to find a Scripture of promise, or deliverance or blessing that positively addresses the incident.
  4. Meditate on that Scripture until your mind is renewed. Speak that Scripture to yourself ‎over and over and over again. When your mind returns to the old pattern of negative thinking, reject it with that Scripture and say what that Scripture says concerning the matter. For example, "God has forgiven me and washed away that sin with the blood of Jesus. So He doesn't remember what I did anymore." "I am freed from the effects of my past because Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law having become a curse for me." Speak to that negative thing and say, "You have no power over me, for in Christ I am more than a conqueror!" When sadness tries to encroach and cloud your mind with bad feelings of guilt; you cast it down by saying, the joy of the Lord is my strength and I am the beloved of God, etc!

Every time the past tries to come back don't entertain it but reject it with the word of God. Meditate upon the Scriptures until the power of the incident withers like a dry leaf and falls off your life! That's how genuine deliverance comes and you will be free indeed.‎ "For if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!" That's how freedom lasting comes which enables one to walk in liberty. By Dr. Sam Donkor, Snr. Pastor.